Devenports Estate Agents
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At Devenports, we are incredibly fortunate to have the open green spaces of Bushy Park and Richmond Park on our doorstep. It can be easy to take our local

natural spaces and wildlife for granted, such as the herds of red and fallow deer that roam freely without risk or disruption. However, it is important to remember that many animals around the globe do not enjoy this freedom and safety.

We wanted to be part of the solution, which is why Devenports are delighted to partner with the Born Free Foundation, one of the world’s leading wildlife charities, who have worked tirelessly to protect animals since 1984.

The Born Free Foundation rescue and safeguard animals from harm, fight to end widespread exploitation and cruelty, push for animals to be treated with compassion, and for wildlife and threatened species to remain where they belong – in the wild.

Devenports are proud to embark on a long-term relationship with the Born Free Foundation, supporting their worthy cause and committing to making a difference. For every property sold or let through Devenports, we have pledged to donate £100 to the Born Free Foundation.

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Sales Agreed
Lets Agreed
Annual Listings
Average Sale Agreed Time
0 Days
Average Let Time
0 Days
Homes Listed in TW12
# 0
Google Rating
Number of Experts
Years of Experience

* Statistics are year-end figures for 2022. Information via and internal Devenports reporting for the period 01/01/22 – 24/12/2022


Adjective[after verb]

If something is spoken for, it is not available because it has already been bought, claimed or accounted for in a business, professional or romantic manner.

Source: Cambridge English Dictionary

The humble estate agent sign post is a staple of British culture, and no doubt one of the first things many of us would think of when the topic of moving home comes up. After all, I am sure we have all visited new places on holiday and walked past estate signs and wondered, “I wonder how much that house is worth”?

For many of us, the modest stick and sign is no big deal. But, the effectiveness of a board should never be discounted. Within our area, many of the most sought-after roads do not give up their gems easily, with perhaps just one or two homes coming to market every few years. We have lost count of how many house sales we have agreed which started with a simple: “I’ve just driven past and seen your sign” call to the office.

We did think, however, it was time this traditional method was brought up to date. So, we set about putting our own Devenports spin on things.

We are excited to announce that all of our property signs now have QR codes to enable our buyers and renters easy access to property details within seconds. By expanding from the traditional ‘Sold & Let’ branding, the concept of ‘Spoken For’ was born. As you will note from the definition below, we couldn’t think of a more appropriate term to describe the agreed sale or let of the assets we all love the most.

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